
*** Hello! This blog was written from 2010- 2014, Find me and my current work now at ***

Monday, January 2, 2012

A New Year, a New Manifesto

Happy New Year everyone! Like many of you I'm sure, I have many New Year's resolutions, some large, some small but today I'm focusing on one thing: to be bold... 

art by Sebastian Vallejo / fashion by Cosmo Australia / interiors by Commune / smoke art by Rebecca Bauman

In 2012 I plan to throw caution, insecurities and playing it safe by the wayside, to take on everyday with passion and gusto and to let second guessing myself be a thing of the past. Be bold, be extraordinary and be yourself, because after all, there is only one you...Enjoy!


  1. i like this manifesto! and the color explosion going on here. we need to do coffee soon, pretty lady...

  2. Beautiful, I am with ya! Blog looks great! Happy Bold New Year! xo

  3. Moi aussi!
    Already enough beige in this world!
